How Floods Could Impact Your Family

Floods are among the most severe and impactful weather events. They can destroy individual homes and neighborhoods and devastate entire communities. Families must understand the serious risks floods pose and learn how to protect themselves. Contact Alliance Insurance Partners if you want to discuss flood insurance policies. We are an insurance agency serving Scottsdale, AZ.

The Massive Risks Posed by Floods

Are you aware that many home insurance policies do not cover flood damage? This exclusion is due, in large part, to the potential enormity of flood damage. It can be so immense that it would be challenging, if not impossible, for an insurance agency to cover all the damage. Floods often affect vast areas and are extremely difficult to predict and protect against.

Take Hurricane Katrina, for instance, which wreaked havoc in 2005, causing more than $160 billion in damages. Much of this damage wasn’t from the storm’s direct hit but due to subsequent floods. The storm dumped so much water in the area that the levees failed, resulting in widespread flooding.

A flood can result in the loss of your home, personal property, vehicles, and more. Many people are forced to abandon their home community during reconstruction efforts. Although state and federal governments often provide various forms of assistance, it might not be adequate.

Many families need flood insurance. These policies are typically separate from standard home insurance policies, and some are affiliated with the federal government. If you need help finding the right flood insurance policies, contact us at Alliance Insurance Partners. We serve Scottsdale, AZ, and other communities and are always ready to help families mitigate risks and prepare for severe, disruptive events like floods.