Storing Your Motorcycle for Winter? How to Reduce Insurance Costs

Living in a state with four seasons can make it difficult to enjoy motorcycle riding year-round. If you’re planning to store your bike for the winter, adjusting your coverage could help you save money on insurance costs. Here are a few ideas from Alliance Insurance Partners in Scottsdale, AZ on how you can lower your motorcycle insurance premium during the off-season.

 “Lay-Up" or Motorcycle Storage Insurance

Rather than going through the trouble of canceling your motorcycle insurance and renewing it again in the spring, you can obtain lay-up or motorcycle storage insurance for the winter months. This insurance offers comprehensive coverage to protect your bike against risks like theft, fire, storm damage, etc. while it’s in storage. 

As there’s no risk of collision in storage, you can drop collision coverage during winter months. If there’s the off chance you may ride your bike a few times during winter due to warm weather, you can retain minimum liability coverage, as required by Arizona law. Eliminating collision coverage and reducing liability can still save you money on insurance costs.

Increase Deductible

Another option for lowering insurance costs during winter is to increase the deductible on your lay-up policy. The higher your deductible, the less you pay in premium costs. Before raising your deductible, you should make sure you have the funds to cover the cost of damage in the event of a fire or other disaster. By storing your bike in a safe, secure location during winter, you reduce the risk of theft or damage, making this option a practical one for lowering insurance costs. 

To learn more about off-season motorcycle insurance coverage and the protection it provides, talk to an agent from Alliance Insurance Partners in Scottsdale, AZ. We’re here to meet all your motorcycle insurance needs.

How Umbrella Insurance Works to Protect You and Your Family

Home insurance policies are there to protect you and your family financially.  When there is a disaster that affects a home or vehicle, the insurance helps with a quick recovery.  Unfortunately, accidents happen every day.  If you are found to be at fault for the car wreck or someone falls on your property due to your negligence, you’re responsible for their medical and legal expenses.  Insurance does its job to cover you but the policy will have caps as to what they will pay.  You are then responsible for any additional expenses that aren’t covered.  Umbrella insurance comes in effect during these situations. They cover the additional costs when your home or auto policy reaches its coverage limits.  The team at Alliance Insurance Partners works with residents in the Scottsdale, AZ area to ensure that they are adequately protected. 

Umbrella insurance policies are there when you most need financial and asset protection.  For instance, if someone does have an accident on your property due to your negligence, you’re responsible for their medical expenses.  If they decide to sue you, you may be responsible for their legal fees, as well.  If the costs are $500,000 but your homeowner’s policy only provides up to $250,000, the balance comes out of your pocket.  With an umbrella policy, though, the moment the homeowner’s policy maxes out, it goes into effect.  In some cases, it can provide up to an additional $1 million over the homeowner’s policy.  They also go into effect in cases involving libel/slander and invasion of privacy. 

In the Scottsdale, AZ area, visit with the insurance pros at Alliance Insurance Partners. They will help you understand your coverage options and whether an umbrella policy is a good fit for you.  Don’t wait to get the coverage you need.  Visit today!

5 Things to Know About Flood Insurance

Anywhere it can rain, it can flood. By being aware of that, you can make sure you’re protecting your Scottsdale, AZ area home the right way. But when it comes to that protection, you’ll want dedicated agents on your side. At Alliance Insurance Partners, you can work with trusted agents to get the type and level of flood insurance coverage you need. Then you can have peace of mind, and you’ll know your home is covered. Even if you aren’t in a flood plain, or an area where it rains a lot, there are still plenty of times that a flood could happen — especially a flash flood. Here’s what you need to know.

1. Flood insurance isn’t only for wet or rainy climates.

2. Even houses that aren’t in flood plains may need protection.

3. Flood insurance isn’t part of your standard homeowner’s policy.

4. You may need to ask for flood insurance or coverage.

5. Insuring your home against a flood can provide security and protection.

When you’re not sure whether you should have flood insurance for your Scottsdale, AZ area home, come in and talk to us at Alliance Insurance Partners. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and give you information about proper flood insurance. That way you can decide whether you need a policy, just want one, or would be safe not having this coverage at all. Unless you’re in a flood zone and have a mortgage on your home, flood insurance isn’t required. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have it, or that you don’t have any flood risk at all. Even in a dry climate like Arizona, it can still rain hard enough to cause flash flooding and related issues. If that happens in your neighborhood, we can help you be prepared and protected.

Evaluate What You Own Prior to Seeking Condo Insurance

Prior to getting condo insurance, it’s important that you take stock of what possessions you have (or will have) on the property. You will need to get extra coverage to protect these items, after all. You should look into the value of your clothes, appliances, furniture, and basically anything you have on-premises. It really is a good idea to do a full home inventory, so that you don’t end up missing anything. You even might want to use a home inventory app, so you can keep track of different categories as you go through your belongings.

This can be time-consuming, but it will help you determine how best to get the insurance coverage you need.

You will have an easier time figuring out what to ask for if you reach out to an insurance agency early on in the process, such as Alliance Insurance Partners. Serving the Scottsdale, AZ area, Alliance has the knowledge and experience to assist you in such matters.

Your Asset Value Is Crucial

Take a look at your assets, as well. Anything that is of value and will be on the premises of your condominium should be included for consideration in your insurance policy. You may need liability insurance, in the instance, your dog bites someone or somebody is injured while on your property. If you are sued, your assets may be at risk. Having this insurance in place will provide you with at least a good deal of security from losing what you have, and help you breathe easier.

Once you have all of this in order, contact Alliance Insurance Partners to discuss your condo insurance options. Whether you are in the Scottsdale, AZ area or beyond, we’ll put our best effort into getting you what you need.

Do I need life insurance after I retire?

Life insurance offers peace of mind through the stages of life. When you are young, you have a family to worry about and to protect. Life insurance is part of that protection. During your prime working years, life insurance can make sure that your partner is cared for in the event of your death. However, once you have retired, you may begin to wonder if life insurance should be a part of your financial planning.  At the Alliance Insurance Partners in Scottsdale, AZ their highly qualified staff is always available to help answer any questions that you may have. 

When making the decision about whether you need life insurance after you retire there are a few questions that you should ask yourself. 

  • Do you have a mortgage?
  • Have you prepaid your final expenses?
  • Does your spouse or partner have adequate financial resources?

If you still have a mortgage on your home, how will it be paid in the event of your death? If the mortgage would be a burden to your spouse/partner or heirs then life insurance can remove that burden.

If you have any debts or if you have not prepaid your final expenses, would they present a hardship to those you are leaving behind? Then life insurance can help with that.

Without your retirement income would your spouse be able to be financially secure? Life insurance may be able to provide that security. 

When it comes to your life insurance needs, no matter what stage of life you are in, the experienced agents at Alliance Insurance Partners in  Scottsdale, AZ are always happy to talk to you about your life insurance needs. Stop by our office, give us a call or visit our website. We are always there for you. 

Do Freelance Housekeepers Need Commercial Insurance?

Working as a freelance entrepreneur has many advantages, but may also prove to carry some of the disadvantages of a full-scale business endeavor. Freelancers usually require certain equipment and supplies to carry out the services related to their market. This is why it is essential to know the risks and get the insurance coverage you need to protect yourself from being sued. 

Commercial Insurance For Freelance Housekeepers

Most housekeepers have various equipment and products to help them execute their services. If you are a freelance housekeeper and require the use of equipment and cleaning products, you will incur expenses and can be at risk for loss as a result of various hazards. In order to keep you in business, you should have Commercial insurance to cover things such as cleaning supply inventory, cleaning equipment such as steam cleaners and commercial vacuums. If you are unsure if or what type of commercial insurance policy works best for your situation, you should consult a knowledgeable agent and get superior coverage that protects you. 

Get Answers

No doubt, you have questions about what commercial insurance covers and what level of coverage is suitable for your situation. It is easier to get the answer from an established insurance agency like Alliance Insurance Partners serving the residents and freelancers of Scottsdale, AZ. Sit down with one of the agents and get options that work for you and get the coverage that you can count on while you pursue your endeavor. 

Even if you are a freelance housekeeper or any other freelance professional, you should check out how Commercial insurance can benefit you and keep you working even if you suffer a setback from a covered loss. Alliance Insurance Partners are ready to serve the freelancers of Scottsdale, AZ. Call or stop by the office today to speak to us and get started protecting your interests.  

Why Disability Insurance is Necessary for Future Families

Disability insurance is something that many families are investing in because of the coverage provided with these policies. Because society has grown to a two-income necessity in households, families must be prepared in the event that a health issue keeps them out of work for months to years. For residents in the Scottsdale, AZ and surrounding areas, disability insurance is growing in necessity, especially for couples who are recently engaged or newly married. Alliance Insurance Partners has a disability insurance policy for your family today. 

When Your Health is not 100%

Unfortunately, many of us experience health issues that will keep us out of work for a significant amount of time. For any short-term disabilities, expect this policy to maintain salary replacement, eliminating financial hindrance during this already stressful time. Any disabilities such as broken limbs or other issues that keep you out of work for 90 days or longer is covered.


For families that are planning a growing family, pregnancy and maternity leave is also covered under a disability policy. For many families, they have not previously experienced pregnancy, so they are not aware of any potential risks to them or the baby. Because of the advancement of medicine, doctors can determine pre-existing conditions in babies early on and require bedrest for mothers. This will require a mother a longer leave time than originally planned, and could place a financial burden on a family without disability insurance. 

Contact Us Today!

If you are looking to grow your family in the future, the protection provided by disability insurance is essential. Proudly serving the Scottsdale, AZ and surrounding areas, Alliance Insurance Partners has a disability policy for your family today that will ease your financial burden and provide peace of mind.


Is Disability Insurance Long Term?

Disability is something that more people have to deal with than you might imagine. That being said, you may be able to protect yourself from disability to a certain extent if you take the time to take out a disability insurance policy to help. For those that live in the Scottsdale, AZ area, the agents with Alliance Insurance Partners can help you determine what sort of disability policy may work best for you.

For most, there is no real reason to take out a disability insurance policy. For those that deal with a difficult job that may end in injury, a policy may be a good thing to have. There are different types of disability insurance but all help to cover the cost of long term disability when the short term benefits of the employee’s run out. A disability insurance policy is going to help pay the insured a portion of their salary should they become injured and need to draw on long term disability. For those that are not often injured at work or that do not work at a job that where an injury is highly likely, you may not need this type of policy.

Disability insurance is not necessarily long term or short term, but you can keep a policy for as long as you are paying the premiums. In terms of usage, you are likely going to have to have used your short term disability benefits before you can draw on the policy to get long term disability benefits. For those that live in the Scottsdale, AZ area, the agents with Alliance Insurance Partners can help you determine if a disability policy is something you may benefit from or not and we can help you to create a policy that works for your situation.

Considering Buying a Motorcycle? Be Sure to Take These Safety Measures.

The Arizona weather allows you to enjoy the open road on whatever vehicle you choose most of the year. Seeing the state on a motorcycle is a unique experience, but one must be sure to take all the safety measures they can so you can be free to enjoy exploring for many years to come. Here are a few safety measures you should take before setting off on a new motorcycle from us at Alliance Insurance Partners in Scottsdale, AZ.

Motorcycle Safety Measures 

  • First, make sure that your ride is reliable. When there is nothing between you and the concrete, it is even more important to be able to trust each feature. A slow brake, blinker that doesn’t work, or even a radio you have to mess with too much to get to work right can become a dangerous problem on a bike. So, check your bike and know all its features and imperfections before you are going 60 on a busy highway. 
  • Second, wear your helmet and other safety gear. A helmet will save your life in an accident, and it also protects you from elements. Not wearing a helmet is a risk that literally puts your life in danger. Today’s helmets are made to be lightweight, yet extremely strong and safe when needed. 
  • Finally, make sure you protect others on the road by knowing how to drive and being properly insured. It does not take much to go from wanting a motorcycle to actually owning one and having the correct license and insurance to drive it in the state of Arizona. However, you should do your due diligence and make sure you know what you are doing behind the wheel before you hit the road. This extra practice will keep you and everyone who shares the road safer.

Contact us at Alliance Insurance Partners to insure your new bike or to learn more about Arizona insurance regulations. We serve Scottsdale, AZ and the rest of the state. 


Umbrella Insurance Facts You May Not Know

An umbrella insurance policy is designed to offer extra liability coverage that goes beyond the limits set within your current policy. While the agents at Alliances Insurance Partners, serving the Scottsdale, AZ area, can answer all of your questions about umbrella insurance, here are the top facts you may not know about umbrella policies.

Second Layer of Protection Provided

An umbrella insurance policy is designed to provide relief when your current coverage has been maxed out. Umbrella insurance coverage will have very high protection limits to cover you when your home, automobile, or other insurance policy coverage has been exhausted. In Arizona, umbrella insurance policies typically have coverage limits that start at $1,000,000.

Safety Nets for Lawsuits

The judiciary system in the United States has a notorious reputation for awarding large settlements. A lawsuit against you may not only award for punitive damages, but also intangible losses like pain and suffering. A personal umbrella policy can save you from financial ruin by protecting both current and future assets when a judgment is rendered against you.

Surprisingly Affordable

Despite the high coverage provided through umbrella insurance policies, companies offer low competitive rates. With the affordable cost of umbrella insurance, it makes good financial sense to add a policy to supplement your current coverage. For instance, if you are in a car accident that caused injuries and the court awards the injured party $700,000, you will have to find a way to come up with the extra $300,000 if your insurance policy has a maximum coverage amount of $400,000. An umbrella insurance plan will alleviate the major financial burden caused by the lawsuit.

Alliance Insurance Partners serves clients in Scottsdale, AZ and surrounding areas. Contact our office today to discuss umbrella insurance options and how these policies can provide the level of protection you need to safeguard your assets in one of the more than 28 states we serve.