Disability is something that more people have to deal with than you might imagine. That being said, you may be able to protect yourself from disability to a certain extent if you take the time to take out a disability insurance policy to help. For those that live in the Scottsdale, AZ area, the agents with Alliance Insurance Partners can help you determine what sort of disability policy may work best for you.
For most, there is no real reason to take out a disability insurance policy. For those that deal with a difficult job that may end in injury, a policy may be a good thing to have. There are different types of disability insurance but all help to cover the cost of long term disability when the short term benefits of the employee’s run out. A disability insurance policy is going to help pay the insured a portion of their salary should they become injured and need to draw on long term disability. For those that are not often injured at work or that do not work at a job that where an injury is highly likely, you may not need this type of policy.
Disability insurance is not necessarily long term or short term, but you can keep a policy for as long as you are paying the premiums. In terms of usage, you are likely going to have to have used your short term disability benefits before you can draw on the policy to get long term disability benefits. For those that live in the Scottsdale, AZ area, the agents with Alliance Insurance Partners can help you determine if a disability policy is something you may benefit from or not and we can help you to create a policy that works for your situation.